Sunday 28 April 2024
20 Baramudah 1740

Readings for Palm Sunday

Vespers of Palm Sunday

Psalms 118:26-27
John 12:1-11

Matins of Palm Sunday

Psalms 104:4-138:1-2
John 1:43-51
Psalms 87:3,5,7
Luke 1:39-56
Psalms 34:7-8
Luke 1:26-38
Psalms 103:20-21
Matthew 13:44-52
Psalms 68:11-12
Luke 10:1-12
Psalms 19:3-4
Matthew 10:1-8
Psalms 97:11-12
Luke 21:12-19
Psalms 68:35,3
Matthew 16:24-28
Psalms 84:1-2
Luke 13:22-30
Psalms 29:3-4
Matthew 3:13-17
Psalms 118:19-20
Matthew 21:1-11
Psalms 52:8-9
Luke 7:28-35
Psalms 68:19,35
Luke 19:1-10

Liturgy of Palm Sunday

Hebrews 9:11-28
1 Peter 4:1-11
Acts 28:11-31
Psalms 81:3,1,2
Matthew 21:1-17
Mark 11:1-11
Luke 19:29-48
Psalms 65:1-2
John 12:12-19

General Funeral Prayers

Ezekiel 37:1-14
1 Corinthians 15:1-23
Psalms 65:4
John 5:19-29

Ninth hour of the day of Palm Sunday

Lamentations 1:1-4
Zephaniah 3:11-20
Psalms 8:2-3
Matthew 21:10-17

Eleventh hour of the day of Palm Sunday

Isaiah 48:12-22
Nahum 1:2-8
Psalms 8:1,2
Matthew 20:20-28

First hour of the eve of Holy Monday

Zephaniah 1:2-12
Psalms 27:6-8
John 12:20-36

Third hour of the eve of Holy Monday

Zephaniah 1:14-2:2
Psalms 28:9,2
Luke 9:18-22

Sixth hour of the eve of Holy Monday

Joel 1:5-15
Psalms 29:1-2
Mark 10:32-34

Ninth hour of the eve of Holy Monday

Micah 2:3-10
Psalms 17:6,1
Mark 8:27-33

Eleventh hour of the eve of Holy Monday

Micah 3:1-4
Psalms 18:17-18
Matthew 17:19-23

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Not to be read in the Church during this time of the year.


Day 20 of the Blessed Coptic Month of Baramudah.
May God make it always received, year after year, with reassurance and tranquility, while our sins are forgiven by the tender mercies of our God my fathers and brothers. Amen.

The Twentieth Day of the Blessed Month of Baramudah

Martyrdom of St.Babnuda (Paphnute)

      On this day, St. Babnuda (Paphnute), who was from Dandara (Dendereh), was martyred. This Saint was a hermit monk. The angel of the Lord appeared to him and told him to put on the priesthood vestments and go appear before Arianus, the governor. Arianus arrived with his ship and embarked by the city of Dandara, looking for that Saint. The Saint came to Arianus and cried out in his face with a loud voice, saying: "I am Christian, and I believe in the lord Christ." When the Governor knew that he was the anchorite for whom he sought, he ordered him to be tortured severely. He chained him with iron fetters and cast him in a dark prison. A heavenly light shone upon him and an angel of the Lord appeared to him, healed his wounds, and comforted him. There was in the city a man, whose name was Kyrillos, with his wife, his daughter, and twelve young men. The Saint preached them and confirmed them in faith. They were all martyred by cutting of their heads, and they received the crown of martyrdom. The Governor was raged of him and ordered to hang a rock in his neck and cast him in the sea, and St.Babnuda received the crown of martyrdom.

May His prayers be with us and Glory be to our God forever. Amen.

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